Jyväskylä implements many projects to develop the city and the region. External funding is often sought for projects, for example, from ministries or as an EU-funding. The aim of the projects is to strengthen the vitality of Jyväskylä and develop the services for the city residents. Jyväskylä's expertise has been exported to the world often through EU projects.
The most important city's operations development projects are collected on this page. In the sidebar, you can find more ongoing projects and those that have ended in recent years. In addition, for example, schools, cultural units, and urban infrastructure services implement several development and cooperation projects.
Ongoing projects:
- Help in time project (Apua ajoissa -hanke)
- ASSI housing first project (ASSI asunto ensin -hanke)
- DigiOne project 2021-2023 - digital service platform for education
- Harrastamisen Suomen malli - Jyväskylän kehitystyö
- Helmi habitat program
- HULVA Stormwater management project
- International Jyväskylä Info Center - Immigrant guidance and counseling services development project
- Social security reform in Central Finland (Keski-Suomen sote-uudistus)
- Kortepohja city center development project (Kortepohjan keskustan kehittämishanke)
- Children and youth SIB impact investment project (Lapset ja nuoret SIB -vaikuttavuusinvestointihanke)
- Neighborhood program 2020-2022: Prosperity and vitality for Huhtasuo
- Music hall/Concert hall project
- OSUVA – inclusion in elderly living environments project
- REDI(4)2030 project -Digital portal for resource intelligence work
- The sustainable future of the core city (Ydinkeskustan kestävä tulevaisuus)
Current EU projects:
- Innovation ecosystem project
- Circwaste - Circwaste - Jyväskylä towards circular economy project (2016-2023) funded by the LIFE IP
- Innovation network and logistics project (2022-2023) funded by the ERDF, REACT-EU
- The Expertise Centre for Immigrants project of Jyväskylä (2020-2023) funded by the ESF
- International Sport Events Jyväskylä project (2021-2023), funded by the ERDF, REACT-EU
- “Kivijalka”– Ground work project (2020-2023) to support the educational path of young people funded by the ESF
- Flying Squirrel LIFE project (2018-2025) funded by the EU LIFE Nature Programme
- VieKas LIFE project (2018-2023) funded by the EU LIFE
- Green Industrial Areas project (2023-2025) funded by the Interreg BSR
- MILEstone (Migrants‘ Integration in Local Economies), Interreg Europe
- Re-Train, Erasmus (2023-2024)
Withdrawals from completed projects:
- The Development of Digital Capability Competences for companies 2021-2023 (DICCO) project (2021-2023) funded by the ESF, React-EU
- Youth House (Nuorten talo) project (2020-2022) funded by the ESF
- Lakeland – Jyväskylä Region (Central Finland) tourism project (2019-2022) funded bt the ERDF
- IMPACT - the development of youth sports services (2021-2022) project (2021-2022) funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Sport programme
- The Well-being to Vitality project
- IHANA - Good living for the elderly in Jyväskylä project
- The growth landscape project (Kasvun maisema -hanke)
- Keljonkangas Unified School
- Towards resource wisdom project (Kohti resurssiviisautta -hanke)
- Kotoisa project
- MODA: Developing the municipality's modern digital customer services together
- ODA Omat digital age welfare services project
- The training flows project to support employment (Valmennuksesta virtaa -hanke)
- Green waterways flagship project (Vihreitä vesireittejä -kärkihanke)
City of Jyväskylä’s development platforms
Kangas - a smart city district
Hippos - A sports and wellness centre
Eteläportti - A digital service hub for the manufacturing industry
More information about the projects
Sari Ropponen, Administrative and Development Manager
Iiris Asunmaa, Development manager
Elli Räsänen, Development Specialist (EU and international projects)
Satu Heikkinen, International Relations Manager
Salla Pykälämäki, Development Specialist
Paula Puhilas, Innovator of Digitizing