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Citizen participation in financial planning

The city of Jyväskylä has been selected to participate in an experimental project funded by Sitra (the Finnish Innovation Fund) aimed at promoting citizen participation. In this project, a randomly selected group of Jyväskylä residents are invited to participate in the Citizens’ Panel. The aim is to assemble a group with residents from different backgrounds and residental areas. The panel members will be briefed into municipal finances. After that they assess the impacts of the budget-balancing measures decided upon in the 2024 budget on the daily lives of citizens.

Kolikkopino. Image kuvapankki:pixabay

Community Centres

The Kortteli Club (Vapaudenkatu 48-50) community centre in the city centre and the Piippuranta Club (Paperitehtaankatu 1) community centre in Kangas are open meeting places for people of all ages.

Joukko eri-ikäisiä ihmisiä seisoo rivissä lähitalo Piippurannan Klubilla. Image Jiri Halttunen

The process of a local master plan

The process of a local master plan consists of four different stages, just like the process of a local detailed plan too.
Drawing up a whole local master plan or amending a part thereof shall be initiated when the urban development or the need to steer land use so require.

In the initial stage, the plan

local master plan
city planning
Puita ja metsää. Image Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen

Meetings over coffee with decision-makers

City of Jyväskylä organizes public meetings over coffee between residents, officeholders and municipal decision-makers. Discussion meetings between residents, officers and municipal decision-makers have been organized since 2018 in diffrent parts of the city. Topics of the discussion have varied from sport facilities to safety and to use of premises having some 20-60 participants in each meetings.

residential meetings
decision making
Innovan katolta keskustaa. Image Tero Takalo-Eskola

Participate and make a difference

More information on participation 

Matleena Kantola, Participation Coordinator
mobile +358 50 530 8698, matleena.kantola[at]

Hanna Tenhunen, Participation Coordinator
mobile +358 50 311 8980, hanna.tenhunen[at]

Sari Välimäki, Well-being Coordinator
tel. +358 14 266 7739, sari.valimaki[at]

decision making

Participation in service development

As a resident of Jyväskylä, you have many methods of influencing the operations and decision-making of the municipality. You can make your influence felt through official channels or join different participation arenas and citizen activities.

customer panel
Kesäinen kävelykatu Jyväskylän Kesän aikaan. Image Merja Huovelin

Participation in residential areas 

Activities in residential areas aim to strengthen the well-being of residents and enable residents to participate in the development of their own residential area. Inclusive approach based on cooperation and equal interaction is applied.

City organizes events on residential areas around the city in order to enhance dialog between citizens, elected representatives and the administration of the city. During these events a broad spectrum of services are discussed, from water supply to elderly care, according to the interests of the area.

residential areas
Jyväskylän asuinalueet

Participate in decision-making

City council 

A council, elected by city residents, has the supreme decision-making authority in the City of Jyväskylä. The municipal election takes place every fourth year.

The meetings of the City Council are recorded on video and broadcast on the Web. Videos are available for viewing on the website. 

Kaupungintalo 2010. Image Pekka Helin

Volunteering in Jyväskylä

Volunteering, what it means?

Voluntary activity describes unpaid activity undertaken by choice for the benefit of other people or nature. By volunteering, you can gain new experiences, know-how, and meaningful things to do. (Kansalaisareena)

Iso ja pieni kävi vastakkain. Image Jiri Halttunen

Student welfare services in upper secondary school

Students in upper secondary school can also access the City of Jyväskylä’s pupil and student support services. The service is staffed by psychologists and student welfare advisors, who are on hand to offer help and guidance to all students. The services are provided with the student’s consent, and they can also involve family and friends as well as teachers and other relevant professionals.  The purpose of the service is to promote the wellbeing of individual students and the wider school community and to help create a safe and positive learning environment for all.

social skills
interpersonal relationship
Opiskelija koneiden parissa kahvilla. Image Tero Takalo-Eskola

Local residents’ initiative


The initiative may be prepared in free form and submitted to the registry either by email or by post:

Email: kirjaamo[at]
Visiting address: City Hall, Vapaudenkatu 32
Mailing address: PL 193, 40101 Jyväskylän kaupunki
Phone: +358 14 266 0888
