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Events at the Artmuseum

Events at the Art Museum 2024

Last-minute changes will be announced on this website and on Facebook. Unless otherwise stated, events are accessible at the admission fee. Subject to change.

Taidetestaajia kierroksella Jyväskylän taidemuseossa keväällä 2022. Image Jyväskylän taidemuseo

Sampo Malin Converted truth

22 January – 28 February

My exhibition deals with the purpose and distribution of information. I continuously come across different deliberate misrepresentations of information, in various situations, which is sometimes so distorted that it almost becomes transparent. Distorted or deliberately altered forms of information can be found in all different kinds of situations from the news to letters to the editor.

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Tommi Toija Mutatis mutandis

22 January – 3 April

Tommi Toija’s mystic but delicately sweet ceramic figures, Strangers, cover the floor of the main gallery at the Jyväskylä Art Museum. Standing in the midst of these ceramic figures the viewer is forced to ponder their relationship with themselves and with others, individually and as a society. We are softly reminded of the fundamental questions of existence raised by Paul Gauguin in his 1897 painting Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?

Näyttely arkiston taustakuva 5

Hautamäki - Havia - Somervuori


The common thread of this exhibition runs along edge between painting and drawing. Within the artwork, drawing turns into painting and various spaces in limbo and periphery fields are born. The artwork questions the traditional juxtapositions of painting and drawing: is the work representational or abstract, where is the line drawn between colour, what can be called black and white. The artwork displays unwavering aesthetics, impending romantics, but also a modernist straightforwardness that sits easily with Fins.

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