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Kolme pientä lasta leikkimässä päiväkodin sisätiloissa. Image Dolly Aittanen

The client fees in municipal early childhood education and the value of a service voucher in privately run early childhood education and care are affected by

  • the size of the family, persons
  • the agreed number of hours for early childhood education and care in accordance with the five-step client fee schedule
  • income before deducting taxes
  • the age of the child (only service voucher)

Effects of the time the child participates in early childhood education on the client fee/on the client’s responsibility, deductible, for a private service voucher:

  • The agreed time is 0–84 hours a month, up to 162 euros a month.
  • The agreed time is 85 - 107 hours a month, up to 192 euros a month.
  • The agreed time is 108 - 130 hours a month, up to 236 euros a month.
  • The agreed time is 131 - 150 hours a month, up to 266 euros a month.
  • The agreed time is 151 hours a month or more, up to 295 euros month.
  • The number of hours for free pre-number of hours for free pre-primary education is 84 a month.

The size of the family, persons and gross income for the highest client fee starting from 1st of March 2023 onwards:

  • In a family of two persons, 6627 euro
  • In a family of tree persons, 7751 euro
  • In a family of four persons, 8428 euro
  • In a family of five persons, 9106 euro
  • In a family of six persons, 9781 euro

For more information concerning the client fees in municipal early childhood education along with the value of the service voucher in privately run early childhood education and care, please, contact the secretary responsible for client fee issues within your own region.

Fees for municipal day-care 

At the beginning of municipal early childhood education, the family must submit an Income Statement by the end of the starting month. You can submit the Income Statement either by electronic services or paper form. If you are a self-employed person, you must always submit a separate Income Statement for a Self-Employed Person with its appendices.

Mailing address:
Jyväskylän kaupunki, Palveluohjaus- ja kehittämisyksikkö, PL 82, 40101 Jyväskylä
Visiting address:
Kilpisenkatu 1 C, 40100 Jyväskylä

A service voucher for services within privately run early childhood education

A service voucher is a support granted by the City of Jyväskylä when the family choose privately run early childhood education and care. Once the start of early childhood education has been agreed on with a private service provider, the family can apply for the service voucher through electronic services. The City of Jyväskylä shall grant a service voucher to the family based on the electronic application after it has been confirmed that the child has a place in a privately run day care centre, a group family day care centre or in family day care. Service voucher is to be paid to the private service provider of early childhood education.  Service voucher within early childhood education is child-specific and you cannot be provided with private day care allowance or child home care allowance simultaneously for the purpose of arranging the child’s care.

The family-based client fee is determined by the imputed municipal client fee and any additional unit price of the service provider. Additional prices have been indicated in the service provider information (day care centres for children / family day care). The family shall be notified of the value of the service voucher and the imputed municipal client fee (=client’s responsibility, deductible) either by letter or as an electronic message. 

The family shall agree directly with the private service provider on the child’s start in early childhood education and care. 

Decisions on the right to service vouchers are made at the Centre for Early Childhood Education Services. Families are informed about the decisions by mail or electronically, according to their choice.

Mailing address: Jyväskylän kaupunki, Palveluohjaus- ja kehittämisyksikkö, PL 82, 40101 Jyväskylä

Visiting address: Kilpisenkatu 1 C, (4th floor)

Customer Payment Secretary Jaana Svärd, tel. +35814 569 7054

Customer Payment Secretary Anne Friman, tel.+35814 569 3096

Fees for children’s clubs

A fee for children’s clubs shall be determined based on the agreed club days.

  • The club, which meets three times a week, costs 66 euro a month.
  • The club, which meets two times a week, costs 44 euro a month.
  • The club, which meets once a week, costs 22 euro a month.
  • The family club fee is 6 euro per meeting, regardless of the size of the family.
  • A fee for a child’s temporary care (3.5 hours a day): 6.50 euro a day

​The fee for children’s clubs is charged as a fixed monthly fee and absences from the children’s clubs shall not be reimbursed. As for the family clubs, only the times the child has participated in the club shall be charged. The family can apply for a Service Voucher for a privately run children's club. The participation in children’s clubs does not have an effect on child home care allowance.

You can apply for fee exemption from the children’s club based on income, social assistance or discretion (The Education Committee (Jyväskylä), Section 114/2014).
Exemption Application Form, Children’s Club Fee

Reimbursement for client fees

Reimbursement for client fees related to municipal early childhood education shall be granted for the period of holiday when the absence has been notified within a set period. Reimbursement shall be paid for full days of absence which have been notified in advance. These shall reduce the number of monthly hours. Only weekdays entitle to reimbursement.  

The Education Committee (Jyväskylä) made a decision on the 24th of February 2021, according to which reimbursement for client fees in early childhood education shall be granted starting from the 1st of June 2021 during the holiday periods of pre-primary education and schools  and furthermore during the summer months, 1st of June–31st of August, as well as during the period of the childminders’ sick leaves and compensatory time offs in family day care. Reimbursement requires for that person who has custody of the child notifies of the child being absent.

More information on possible reimbursement procedures within privately run early childhood education and care is available directly from a day care centre for children or a family day care childminder.


Further information about all services can be obtained from the day care centres or day care office in Jyväskylä,
address: Kilpisenkatu 1 C, tel. +35814 266 0180 
e-mail: varhaiskasvatus.palveluohjaus(at)

Client information_municipal daycare_2023

Client information_private daycare_2023

Notification to client families_municipal daycare 2023

Notification to client families_private daycare 2023

Declaration of income 2023
