Children's day-care and pre-school education
In Finland every child under school age (seven) is entitled to a place in day-care run by the municipality. The goal of the day-care services in Jyväskylä is to ensure that all children have the opportunity for a good childhood and meaningful development. The early education services aim at supporting balanced growth, development and learning as well as promoting the personal well-being of all children.
Call us or come to visit
Service times:
- mon, tue and thu 9 - 12 (am.)
- wed 12 - 15 (pm)
- phone number 014 569 0180
Visiting address: Kilpisenkatu 1 C, Jyväskylä
You can visit the Palveluohjaus Unit only by making an appointment. You can enquire about available free appointment times by e-mail: varhaiskasvatus.palveluohjaus(at) or varhaiskasvatus.asiakasmaksut(at) (client fees)
The City of Jyväskylä offers the following municipal day-care options
- Municipal day-care centre
- Family day-care
- Evening care
- Round the clock day care
- Club and park services
You can find the day care centres at the map
Private day-care
The support system for private day-care gives parents the opportunity to choose one of the following options:
- Private day-care centre
- Private family-group day-care centre
- Private childminder
To arrange for private day care, parents can choose one of the following forms of support:
A day-care service voucher paid for by the city,
- Statutory home care subsidy or private day care allowance (KELA).
You find the day care centres at the map
Pre-school education
In Finland, all children aged 6 must participate in pre-school education, which is provided free of charge. The minimum length of pre-primary education is 700 hours per year and approximately four hours per day. In Jyväskylä, pre-school education is provided at day-care centres. In addition to pre-school education, day care is provided to children who need it.
In Finland every child under school age (seven) is entitled to a place in day-care run by the municipality. The goal of the day-care services in Jyväskylä is to ensure that all children have the opportunity for a good childhood and meaningful development. The early education services aim at supporting balanced growth, development and learning as well as promoting the personal well-being of all children.