Early Childhood Care and Basic Education – service counselling
The service counselling provides general guidance and advice on the early childhood education and care services and basic education provided by the City of Jyväskylä.
Information and guidance over the telephone or by e-mail
tel. 014 569 0180
Mon, Tue and Thu 9-12 and Wed 12-15
Our e-mail addresses are
For security reasons, please do not include personal identifiers in an email.
We recommend making an appointment beforehand to visit the office. You may ask after appointments by phone or e-mail.
Any applications, income statements with appendices and decisions on basic social assistance can be delivered to the mailbox outside the Tietotalo building. Early Childhood Care and Basic Education service counselling is located at Tietotalo at Kilpisenkatu 1c, ground floor. Mailing address: P.O. Box 82, 40101 Jyväskylä.
Client fees for Early Childhood Education and Care
If you have questions about client fees or your service voucher, please directly contact the early childhood education and care client fee secretaries.
Contact information for the client fee secretaries