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Äiti ja lapsi lentokonetta leikkimässä. Image Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen

Implementation of resource wisdom requires comprehensive multidisciplinary and cross-organisational cooperation, resources and commitment. The City of Jyväskylä promotes resource wisdom locally, across the country and internationally through various projects and networks. 


Ympyräks (Network of Environmentally Responsible Enterprises in Central Finland) 

The network of environmentally responsible enterprises in Central Finland helps companies to upgrade their business to a more environmentally responsible one. The goal of the network is to distribute information about environmentally responsible businesses and provide peer support. The network was initiated by the City of Jyväskylä, Regional Council of Central Finland, Central Finland Chamber of Commerce, Entrepreneurs in Central Finland and BioPaavo/JAMK.  

FISU (Finnish Sustainable Communities) Network 

Finnish Sustainable Communities is a network of trailblazer municipalities (Forssa, Hyvinkää, Ii, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Riihimäki, Turku and Vaasa) which aims for carbon-neutral, zero-waste and globally sustainable consumption by 2050. The objective is to enhance municipal and regional economy, create jobs and promote sustainable well-being.

FISU Network homepage

FISU-verkoston logo

Network of municipalities as circular economy trailblazers 

The trailblazer municipalities (Ii, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Porvoo, Riihimäki, Rovaniemi, Turku and Vantaa) are going to achieve the goals of the national waste management plan and recycle at least 55% of municipal waste, utilise at least 70% of construction and demolition waste as material and reduce the amount of waste by 2020 down to the level of 2000. 

Network of municipalities as circular economy trailblazers

Kiertotalouden edelläkävijäkunta-logo. Image Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE)

ICLEI - Network of Local Governments for Sustainability  

Local Governments for Sustainability is an international network of sustainable municipalities, which encourages local governments to adopt sustainable development action in order to respond to global challenges, such as climate change, increasing urbanisation and economic and population changes. The network is participated by more than 2,500 local governments and regional government bodies in more than 125 countries. 

ICLEI network homepage

Local Governments for Sustainability ICLEI-verkoston logo

Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) Network 

The Union of the Baltic Cities is a Northern European union comprised of 100 cities around the Baltic Sea. The goal of the Union is, by sharing skills and knowledge, networks and development projects, to maintain and develop safe and intelligent Baltic cities based on sustainable development.

UBC network website

Union of the Baltic Cities-verkoston logo

Ongoing projects

Circwaste - Towards Circular Economy (2016-2023) 

The City of Jyväskylä participates in a nationwide CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy Project (2016-2023) with two subprojects. One sub-project of the user-oriented trials seeks ideas to test on circular economy and another sub-project is developing Kangas smart waste management. The project is an extensive EU funded project coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), which promotes circular economy and implements the national waste management plan. 


Completed projects

Jyväskylä is a forerunner of circular economy 

Circular economy is smart actions in conjunction with the daily lives of all residents in the municipality. The City of Jyväskylä and nine other trailblazer municipalities have committed to ambitious and concrete measures to promote circular economy. 

Pioneering municipalities

resource wisdom