Mindscape of growth
Aim of the project
The basis for the project is the need to increase workshops and possibilities for rehabilitation for young people. The aim is to prevent increasing problems, to provide strong support in transitional phases and to increase alternative waysto study and find a place in the society.
In this project new, supported ways to learn are created, help and support inproblems and in finding a job are given, possibilities to get away from a difficult situation with the family or the friends arefound and better every day skills for young people are developed. One important goal is also to develop good cooperation when serving young people.
The target group in this project are young people between 15 - 29 years:
- young people between 15 – 17 years, in the transitional phase
- young people without a place to study, or who have started studies but never graduated, or those who are in danger of dropping out of studies
- young people who have a degree but who do not have work
- teachers, tutors and counsellors at schools
- coaches at workshops.
The project has two areas of focus:
- Strong support at school, where the aim is to help in time to discover and sort out the difficulties and obstacles in young peoples’ lives and to give them strong support so that they can find their own paths in life and learn the skills they need for studies and work. The other goal is to co-operate with comprehensive schools to prevent problems, to support transitional phases and to create a new workshop for comprehensive school studies.
- Strong support in studies and employment where the aim is to offer a place to introduce and exercise workshop methods for vocational studies, college and working life. The aim is to improve educational equality and employment, create new ways to find a place in the society, to provide better every day skills through supported living and other services. The final goal is to create mindscape of growth and spread methods that grow up from the values of Youth Art Workshop and from the support and respect towards the young people. As a result problem preventing cooperationis developed.
The participants in the project are chosen in cooperation with schools as well as employment and social services. The project path for every participant is planned individually. It is also important to take care of creating the networks and future plans for the young people in the project as well as continuing studies or other action after the project period hasended.
Results of the project
As a result of the project, there will be an integration of the workshops and active involvement to the comprehensive and vocational schools, college and enterprises. The focus has moved from problem solving to problem preventing work; problems are discovered and solved, and strong support and help is available for young people. The workshops connected with comprehensive and vocational schools, and college education are working. The possibility of getting supported living accommodation exists for those who need it. Co-operation is developed and best practices are spread.
Mindscape of growth
- ESF (European Social Fund) project, budget of 2,7M€
- Special mission: The improvement of services supporting transitions and educational equality.
- Project time: 1.5.2017 – 30.4.2020.
- Project creates operating models for strengthening the personal paths of youths in co-operation with different governmental entities, educational facilities, working life as well as the third sector.
- Makes use of a certain Arts Workshop model, developed by the youth services of Jyväskylä.
- The workshop activities are intended for 15–29 year old youths from the Jyväskylä area.
- The main executor of the project is the City of Jyväskylä in collaboration with The Jyväskylä Educational Consortium and The Jyväskylä Christian Institute.
More information
Project Manager Marja-Sisko Kataikko
phone +358 14 266 8707, marja-sisko.kataikko(at)jyvaskyla.fi
Project Coordinator Taneli Vuojus
mobile +358 50 3118869, taneli.vuojus(at)jyvaskyla.fi