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Kankaan sydänkortteleiden arkkitehtuurikilpailu. Image Schauman & Nordgren Architects Oy

An architectural competition provides a way to find quality and untraditional housing and building solutions. It enables several types and comparable solution options to be surveyed and new planning and implementation methods developed. An architectural completion can be organised, for example, by a city or a municipality, but also by a public entity, an unincorporated state enterprise or private companies. Architectural competitions can be either public, open for all or limited, based on invitations. 
The Finnish Association of Architects, SAFA, is involved in many architectural competitions. You can visit the SAFA’s web pages and familiarise yourself with the domestic and international architectural competitions.

Architectural competitions in Jyväskylä

During the years, there have been organised several architectural competitions in Jyväskylä. By the autumn 2018, there have been a total of 62 competitions. The aim is to organise yearly at least two architectural or planning competitions for important building projects. The first architectural competition organised in Jyväskylä is the local detailed plan competition from 1908.


– You can familiarise with the environment through the Architectural Map