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Best summer destinations in Jyväskylä

Summer experience in Jyväskylä won’t leave anyone cold! Whether you are up to easy going evenings enjoying sun sets or fast paced summer day, there are plenty of activities for you.

City’s shared living room next to Jyväsjärvi

“We have the most experiential port of Finland in Lutakko.

Ihmisiä viettämässä kesäpäivää Jyväskylän sataman nurmikolla. Image Outi Kaakkuri

Jyväskylä City Library and Finnish Schools on the Move want to get kids moving

A themed collection on the 2nd floor of the Main Library (Vapaudenkatu 39-41) of titles that provide inspiring information and tips on how to encourage children at schools and kindergartens to be more physically active.

The Jyväskylä City Library and the Finnish Schools on the Move initiative have together created a themed collection on the 2nd floor of the Main Li

capital of sport
school on the move
Liikkuva koulu teemahylly. Image Joonas Puuppo