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Possibilities – feelings and thoughts about climate change

June 18th – September 6th, 2020 in the Gallery

Climate change is shaping our environment at great speed and at the same time is defining the future of world in which we live. Our youth could not alter the course of climate change when it was still possible, and this brings up important questions: Do we have the right to feel scared, angry or hope?  Who is responsible for the future?

Mahdollisuuksia -näyttelyprojekti Jyväskylän taidemuseossa kesällä 2020. Image Jyväskylän taidemuseo

Moritz Müller Starlight

3.6.-6.9.2020 Art Space Ilmiö

Moritz Müller is a Finnish-German young artist whose work explores independence, complex emotions, and identity through portrait photography, music, and makeup. 

Müller began his artistic journey in 2016, starting with make up. He soon expanded to self-portrait photography shortly after. Music on the other hand has always been a part of Müller's life, but it wasn't until he published his first songs in 2019 that he began considering music a part of his artistic career. 

Jyväskylän taidemuseo