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Resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040 Programme is a strategic programme of measures approved by the city council; by complying with the programme, the City of Jyväskylä seeks to achieve the visions of resource wisdom in 2040. The programme conforms to the City strategy 2022-2025 and operates as the programme of measures for the Resource-wise City strategy key project. The programme guides resource-wise work of industries, public utilities and subsidiaries which are part of the city consortium. 

Click here for more details on Resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040 Programme.

The vision of Jyväskylä is the resource-wise city in 2040

The City of Jyväskylä is committed to achieving comprehensive resource wisdom in its activities. According to the programme vision, Jyväskylä will be a zero-emission, zero-waste city of sustainable prosperity without overconsumption in 2040 and carbon-neutral in 2030. Moreover, the zero-waste and no overconsumption vision has been complemented with milestones for 2030 regarding the degree of household waste recycling and greenhouse emissions in conjunction with consumption. 

Resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040 Programme gives a framework for resource wisdom work carried out by the City. In compliance with the visions and milestones entered in the programme, a resource-wise city produces zero emissions, produces zero waste, does not overexploit natural resources and establishes conditions for the residents sustainable well-being.

Produces zero emissions

A zero-emission city is carbon-neutral, which means that emissions are minimised and the remaining emissions compensated primarily by carbon sinks. The goal of the City is to reduce emissions from the 2007 level by 80 % before 2030.

Produces zero waste

Zero-waste city of sustainable consumption is based on recycling of materials, circular economy solutions and resource-wise use of natural resources. The amount of household waste in Jyväskylä region is decreasing while recycling degree is increasing and will reach 65% by 2030.  

Does not overexploit natural resources

Resource-wise actions safeguard nature’s carrying capacity and diversity and prevents environmental deterioration. The objective is to reduce consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions by 50% below 2005 levels in 2030.  

Establishes conditions for the residents sustainable well-being

The resource-wise work carried out by the City creates conditions for the residents’ sustainable well-being and resource-wise way of life. Implementation of resource wisdom requires comprehensive multidisciplinary and cross-organisational cooperation, resources and commitment. Resource wisdom and climate actions of the city residents, companies and communities are important for achieving the common visions. 

Resource wisdom work is monitored by Environmental Watch

Achievement of the goals and measures of resource wisdom work is monitored by the City’s Environmental Watch Service. Environmental Watch Service is a website-based monitoring service where anyone can monitor the progress of resource wisdom work in Jyväskylä. 

Read more about the Environmental Watch Service (only in Finnish)  

The resource wisdom programme consists of seven different themes

The Resource Wisdom Jyväskylä 2040 Programme consists of seven different themes and more concrete sub-themes. More detailed theme-specific goal states in 2030 were set to the resource wisdom work of the City Consortium as well as meters for monitoring. Moreover, the programme contains the most effective measures for each theme during the current council term. 

The themes include 

  • low-carbon energy production and effective energy and water use 
  • sustainable community structure and low-carbon construction 
  • climate-resilient transit system 
  • preparation and adaptation to impacts of climate change 
  • resource-wise consumption and circular economy 
  • welcoming and diverse environment and  
  • resource wisdom and responsibility in everyday life. 



Resource wisdom agreements and commitments

More information:

Front page of the Resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040 Programme
resource-wise jyvaskyla 2040 programme frontpage

    Greenhouse gas emissions reporting

    The Finnish Environment Institute provides annual greenhouse gas emissions calculations for all municipalities in Finland. You may view the emissions data online at

    resource wisdom