Maps and geographic data
Map products
The City of Jyväskylä provides and produces plenty of various map material that is available both in electronic and printed form. Some of the map material is free of charge and some requires paid permission to be published. It is also possible to order various kinds of theme- and customer-specific maps, according to need.
Map Service
Jyväskylä Map Service is available at There are different types of maps available in the Map Service. In addition to the traditional guide map, you can find there bus routes, outdoor recreation and biking maps, topographic and area maps, an orthophotograph (an aerial photograph) of the whole city as well as hill shading which illustrates topographic elevations. The local detailed plan map, in turn, indicates the real-time local detailed plan situation.
The Map Service has convenient functions that are worth utilising. For example, through the Your own features function (Omat kohteet -toiminto) you can create a link directly on the map to be shared further. Through the Service Search you can find out, for example, the location of schools, children’s day care centres, playgrounds and sports facilities. Through the Distance Measuring Function you can, in turn, measure for example the length of your work trip.
Professional services, geographic data
Professionals within geographic data are responsible for coordinating geographic data projects and introducing geographic data systems. The geographic data programmes in use enable making enquiries and analyses on databases in accordance with the customers’ needs. Enquiries can be addressed, for example, to land, building, address and owner register.
Laser scanning data
Laser scanning data refers to a three-dimensional point-like cloud that depicts the ground and objects on the ground. The City of Jyväskylä has laser scanning data both from the local detailed plan area and its surroundings and from Tikkakoski, Puuppola, Korpilahti and Säynätsalo. Data is utilised for planning and maps, topographic and urban models can be produced based on it. The newest laser scanning data was produced in May 2020 by flying.
RPAS, Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
Aerial and oblique air photography production can be made through the RPAS, Remotely Piloted Aircraft System, both for individual use and also for customers, when ordered. Data is being used for visualisation, updating the base map of the local detailed plan along with producing topographic and urban models. Orthophotographs produced by the System are available at Jyväskylä Map Service.
Orthophotographs are aerial photographs taken from a plane, from which distortions caused by topographic features have been corrected. They are suitable as a basis for various plans, for example together with the base map of the local detailed plan. Orthophotographs are available through Jyväskylä Map Service. The oldest orthophotographs are from year 1985.
The base map of the local detailed plan
The base map of the local detailed plan has been drawn up covering the whole old city area of Jyväskylä as well as the regional centres of Vaajakoski, Palokka, Tikkakoski and Korpilahti. This map includes, inter alia, partition of real estates, traffic routes, boundaries of the topographical features, buildings and geographic names.