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Näyttely arkiston taustakuva 5

Prints and Pasi in a 1960’s home
exhibition in the Association of Finnish Printmakers’ permanent exhibition The Treasures of the Orava Family

- I am grounded for the third night. On Monday I got a letter from Mother in which she stated that I could no longer go home. That was apparently decided with Mr. Orava (Mr. Squirrel) earlier in the spring. It’s just that no one had bothered to tell me the truth!

The fifth Pasi Rauhala's Home Museum exhibition is a time warp back to Pasi’s childhood years in Jyväskylä. This body of work is set in the 1960’s when Pasi was a foster child in the Orava (Squirrel) Family. 

Pasi Rauhala’s Home Museum project began in the summer of 2011 at the Hämeenlinna Art Museum. Where his exhibition was installed in three 1970’s style rooms. The Home Museum is a comprehensive work of art in which Pasi Rauhala attempts to understand older generations by advancing his birth-date by 30 years. At the same time he is inventing himself with a new identity, a new family and a whole new life. Through this piece, Rauhala is reflecting on how he might have turned out and where he might be if circumstances had been different. 

Pasi Rauhala’s life with the Oravas (Squirrels) sends us back to the 1960s. Pasi, a problem child, came to Jyväskylä for a summer job and ended up living with the Orava family. His visit was extended when, at the end of the summer, his mother refused to take him back home. 

Prints and Pasi in a 1960’s home is an exhibition within an exhibition. The rebellious Pasi’s life within the Orava (Squirrel) family’s house is revealed through different objects, sounds and diaries.

Pasi Rauhala (1978, Lahti) is an artist living and working in Lohja. He graduated from the Media Department at both the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts and the Aalto University. Rauhala’s work deals with themes related to everyday life. The results are often site-specific installations which are in some way interactive. Rauhala often plays with scale and provokes people into playing along with him. 

Pasi Rauhala's Home Museum web-pages


Jyväskylä Art Museum