In the Current
Gallery 16.2.–28.4.2024
In the Current is the first part of a two-part exhibition series curated by artist and curator Anna Ruth. The artists featured in the exhibition are Erkki Hirvelä (1937–2020) as well as contemporary artists Sasha Huber, Laura Lilja, Kimmo Ojaniemi, and Suvi Sysi.
The theme of the exhibition revolves around water.
–Water is life, or from a scientific point of view it is essential to life. It is one of the unique
elements without which we unarguably cannot live. In art and religion, water has been alluded to as the symbol of life and renewal. This is the current within which I began conceiving this exhibition. With the hope of bringing the importance of water to our immediate attention. Not as an extreme environmentalist ideal but as a crucial, self evident fact of our collective well being. Where are we today, in this flow of watery time? What reflections do we see in the pool of art? And where are we standing, as humanity in the current of change, states Ruth.
The exhibition engages in a dialogue with the concurrently presented exhibition by Annu Vertanen. The works in both exhibition are connected by their use of lines, repetition, layering, and structures.
The second part of the exhibition series, will be on display at the art museum's Gallery from May 17 to September 8, 2024. The featured artists in this part of the exhibition are Cécile Bicler, Samuel Lehikoinen, Anna Ting Möller, and Vidha Saumya.

Sasha Huber, Stream, 2022, staples on wood, photo Katja Hagelstam