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Liikunnanohjaaja selkäpuolelta kuvattuna. Image Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen

People in Jyväskylä are active exercisers. One third of the adult population moves at least 4-6 times a week. Regular exercise has beneficial effects on your overall health and well-being.

Daily exercise provides a good mood and helps to build energy. Alertness, well-being, and physical fitness all improve, and in the outdoors, you experience and see more than you would driving behind the wheel. Adding walking and cycling as part of everyday routines has been proven to be the most effective way to increase the physical activity of citizens and increase well-being. In Jyväskylä, there are 500 km of ski trails, jogging tracks and trails.

Rantaraitti - Finland’s largest outdoor gym

Jyväskylä’s Rantaraitti is being built to be the largest outdoor gym in Finland. Along the track, there is a full range of exercise facilities, fitness stops and equipment offered for versatile training. Rantaraitti is also a popular light traffic route from the different parts of the city to the city center. Rantaraitti recreational route brochure (pdf)

Jyväskylä – A city of clever, regular exercisers

The city of Jyväskylä encourages people move and travel wisely. In the future, we want an increasing proportion of Jyväskylä’s residents to make their trips in a smart manner - by walking and biking or by bus and by carpool for example.

The Green Ring - a central park embracing the city

Welcome to The Green Ring, the green and recreational areas framing the center of Jyväskylä. The Green Ring is a new kind of central park, where the ring-like shape brings greenspaces for recreation and exercise closer to all city residents. The versatile Green Ring is meant for outdoor activities, nature trips, events, relaxation and for instance, playing. On the Citynomadi map you can see the different points in the Green Ring.

Schools on the Move

Schools on the Move thinks about matters in new ways. Students spend less time sitting down, teachers employ teaching methods involving physical activity, more activities are promoted at break times and children are encouraged to commute to school on foot or by bike. Each school executes the more mobile school day in their own way. The City of Jyväskylä received the national Schools on the Move 2018 - grand prize for exemplary work on building a sports culture for schools.

All schools in Jyväskylä Basic Education are involved in the National Schools on the Move - project, where sport activities are introduced to support teaching in the classroom and recess, and after school hours. The goal is for each student to move for one hour during the school day.

A key element of the Schools on the Move project is that the students spend less time sitting down and move around more. Functional methods are utilized during lessons, students have an opportunity to move around independently or with instructions during recess, and children travel to the schools by bike or on foot.

Schools on the Move and the renewed curriculum’s opportunities provide physical education and activities for children in comprehensive schools during school days. The City of Jyväskylä was awarded the 2018 national Moving School-grand prize for exemplary work on building a sports activity culture for schools. In a video called learning utopia, students from Central-Palokka School show how they move in different learning environments during the school day.

Schools on the Move, Jyväskylä & functional school day, by Joni Rikman ​​​

Let Jyväskylä move you

The City Sport Services

Jyväskylä’s Sports Facilities

Visit Jyväskylä challenges tourists and residents of the region to workout in Jyväskylä's renowned and respected sports and recreation sites. Workout style is free and getting out of breath recommended.

Jyväskylä on the move, by ArtLeak
capital of sport