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Ympäristövahtipalvelun pääkuva. Kuvituskuvassa kuvataan resurssiviisaasta kaupunkia ja sen palveluja.

The Environmental Watch of the City of Jyväskylä is a monitoring and reporting system for the resource wisdom work of the city. It was published and introduced in November 2022. The system allows up-to-date reporting and monitoring of the resource-wise activities of the city organisation.

You may explore the system online at the Environmental Watch website (in Finnish).

Ympäristövahtipalvelun pääkuva. Kuvituskuvassa kuvataan resurssiviisaasta kaupunkia ja sen palveluja.



The content of the system is based on the Resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040 Programme. It contains long-term objectives, and indicators measuring the achievement of those objectives as well as concrete measures which the city is taking to achieve its visions and objectives for resource wisdom.

The Environmental Watch consists of an internal instrument to coordinate and supervise the resource wisdom work of the city. The system also has a public portal on a website where anyone can follow the activities of the city toward resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040.

The Environmental Watch of Jyväskylä has been constructed as a part of the REDI(4)2030 project. The project was funded by the Finnish Ministry of Environment, from the Sustainable City programme.

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