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Opiskelija seisoo talvisella Harjulla. Image Tommi Sassi
Thousands of new students move to Jyväskylä every year. Those who started in the autumn have now been studying for six months. Sanna, a student of hospitality management, and Anton, a Master's student of marketing, talk about their experiences of Jyväskylä as a student city.

Photo: marketing student Anton Tarvainen says Jyväskylä is a compact city where it's easy to find a community you like. For example, there are plenty of opportunities for jogging in the Harju hills behind the city centre.

Who are you and what are your first impressions of Jyväskylä? 

Anton Tarvainen, who had played ice hockey in the United States and Sweden, among other places, had a very thin picture of Jyväskylä before moving to the city. 

"I visited Jyväskylä one weekend in March, when I knew I was applying to study here. Before that, my memories of Jyväskylä were mostly vague, with some memories of the Hippos ice rink," says Anton. 

Sanna Äijäläinen is originally from Toivakka, about 30 minutes drive from Jyväskylä. She was already quite familiar with the city, but starting her studies has brought a new perspective to the city.

"I have lived in Jyväskylä for 12 years, but this autumn I started my studies in hospitality management at Jamk. Jyväskylä seemed a natural place to start my studies. When I started my studies, I found that the city is the right size for a student and practically everything is within walking distance," says Sanna.

Opiskelija istuu kahvilassa tietokoneen ääressä. Image Tommi Sassi

Photo: Sanna Äijäläinen works as a teacher alongside her studies in hospitality management, which has somewhat limited her contribution to student expenses. Her favourite place in Jyväskylä is Kirkkopuisto Bistro in the city centre.

How have you got involved in the student community? 

Jyväskylä has a vibrant student community: subjects have their own associations, known as subject or field associations, which organise a wide range of programmes and events. There are also plenty of other leisure organisations and communities.

Student life was one of the main reasons why Sanna wanted to study in Jyväskylä.

"I wanted to experience the sense of community among university students. I've enjoyed meeting new people and being one of the people in overalls at the evening meals," laughs Sanna.  

For Anton, one of the reasons for applying to study in Jyväskylä was the positive images of the community atmosphere in Jyväskylä that he had received from his friends.  

"I had acquaintances who were studying sports science and economics before, and I had heard good things about Jyväskylä from them. I got the feeling that it was easy to come here as an outsider, and it has been easy. Nowadays, when I walk around the city, I meet people I know all the time, which I think is nice," says Anton.

What is your favourite place in Jyväskylä?

As a marketing student, Anton mainly studies in the Agora building in Mattilaniemi and Sanna's hospitality management studies are focused on Jamk's Rajakatu campus. But where to find them in their free time? 

"I think the Kirkkopuisto Bistro café is visually beautiful. I also like the harbour, especially in the summer," says Sanna. 

The shore of Lake Jyväsjärvi, which borders the city centre, also appeals to Anton.

"The trip to Agora is really cool, and it's also cool to go for a run around Lake Jyväsjärvi. The harbour is also really nice, and it's nice to hang out there. Add to that the beautiful lake scenery, the summer sunset and the lights of the Kuokkala bridge, and wow!", Anton says. 

Who would you recommend Jyväskylä to and why? 

Sanna and Anton are both happy with their first autumn as students in Jyväskylä. They both say that the city is a good choice for those considering their studies.

"Jyväskylä is the right size, where things work and everything is close by," Sanna says.

Anton also signs off on the appropriate size of the city and adds a couple of other tips.

"It's really easy to get involved in the student community here, and everything is really close by. I would also recommend that it's easy to combine sport and studying here, as there are plenty of clubs and sports facilities," says Anton.