Air pollution control
Traffic in the city and along trunk roads as well as emissions from industrial plants worsen the quality of the air. The city’s environmental protection authorities make decisions and give verdicts to combat these disadvantages.
The sanding of the roads is the most significant individual culprit for worsened air quality in the city. Due to the dust emitted from it, the air quality may at times even be very poor during the spring.
The air quality within the Jyväskylä city area is monitored through cooperation between six local entities.
The environmental protection authorities draft an air quality monitoring report monthly as well as a more comprehensive summary annually. You can find the annual report to the right of this page and the latest monthly report to the right of the Air pollution surveillance page.
Air pollution surveillance
The air quality is measured regularly in the city area at two measuring stations: in the centre and in Jyskä. The stations measure nitrogen oxide levels and particles, and they also house weather stations. The obtained results constitute an index which describes the air quality in the area.
The air quality statistics of the whole country can found on the national air quality portal. The measurement results are updated there once every hour. More detailed information on the air quality in Jyväskylä can be found from the air quality surveillance website. The regional air quality protection services of the City of Kuopio are responsible for measuring the air quality in Jyväskylä.
Central measuring station
The air quality index and the percentage of pollutants in the air describe the general air quality in central Jyväskylä. The location of the central measuring station has been moved in August 2018 from Lyseonkatu to Hannikaisenkatu.
Jyskä measuring station
The air quality index and percentage of air pollutants describe the general air quality in the suburban areas, which are affected by the busy roads nearby. The measuring station has been transferred from Palokka to Jyskä in January 2022.
Mobile app for inhabitants
You can now follow the air quality surveillance results of the Jyväskylä measuring stations from the JyväskylaAir mobile app, available for Android and IOS smart devices. You can download the app via the following links:
More information
Head of Environmental Protection Petteri Ahonen
t. 0400 364 125
first name.surname(at)