Extensive rat sightings
More extensive rat sightings can be reported to the environmental health authorities of the Jyväskylä region either
In the feedback system one may, among other things, indicate on a map where the rats have been observed.
Single and random rat sightings
Isolated and random rat sightings do not need to be reported. It is the property owner's responsibility to eradicate rats and other pests.
This is how you get rid of rats
Prevention is important in getting rid of rats. As the food available decreases, the amount of rats also decreases. Rodents thrive in yards if they find food as well as nesting and hiding places there. Caulking up any cracks and ducts in buildings or installing nets are good methods to employ. Any apples from the autumn apple harvest should be collected from the ground in good time and any surplus should be disposed of appropriately. Various excavation works may also cause rats to emerge.
Only pest control professionals can acquire and use anti-rat pesticides. It is also possible to catch individual rats using traditional mechanical traps; electric ones are also available.
You can for example use rye bread, cheese, cereal products, boiled egg, dried fruit, or chocolate as a bait. Rats may also be trapped in hunting traps if they can be killed quickly and painlessly. The traps may not pose any danger to children, domestic animals or other wild animals. The traps should be inspected daily. Dead rats can be disposed of with mixed waste.