Traffic and street planning
Traffic planning refers to general planning with the purpose of creating guidelines for planning traffic routes in the urban region and for collecting information about the development of traffic flows. Traffic planning is done simultaneously with the local detailed planning within the area.
Once the local detailed plan for the area has been approved, the street planning stage shall be proceeded to. Street planning refers to more detailed building planning. The street plan defines, among other things, the exact location, dimensions, materials, plantings and lighting of the street along with the arrangements of the carriageways and pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
A separate traffic management plan shall be drawn up along with the street plan, showing the necessary traffic signs, road markings and road line solutions. A separate traffic light plan is to be made too, if necessary. The street plan is not made for minor amendments, such as placing traffic signs, but, instead, an office holder’s decision.
In the urban area, there are also public, state-owned, roads and streets. The Central Finland ELY Centre (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) is responsible for planning these.
– You can see the street and traffic plans displayed for public inspection (in Finnish)