Principles and criteria for cultural grants
General grant principles
• The grants will be awarded as either operating subsidies or project grants.
• The grants are always subject to discretion.
• In evaluating the necessity and amount of the grant, the applicant’s purpose, establishedness, scope, quality, and other funding opportunities will be considered.
• The grants are primarily intended for self-directed communal activities open to all inhabitants.
Grant criteria
Within the grants offered by Jyväskylä educational, culture and sports services there are four categories: civic activities, culture, sport and youth.
1. The applicant must be domiciled in Jyväskylä.
2. The applicant must be of age.
3. The applicant must contribute self-financing or other active work to realize the activity the grant is being applied for.
4. The application must be submitted through the online service by the due date; late applica-tions will not be considered.
5. The application may be re-categorized as appropriate to its content.
6. If the applicant is also receiving another subsidy or grant from the city, this can be consid-ered in assessing this grant.
7. An operating grant can be made to an association in only one of the education, culture and sports services grant categories (either civil society activities, culture, sport, or youth).
8. Targeted grants may not be made to projects or expenses already realized and applied for afterwards.
9. A targeted grant must be spent on the project it was granted to. To revise the target of a grant, the grantor must be contacted.
10. The grants are made annually, meaning a grant must be used during the year it was made.
11. The grantor retains the right to audit the accounts of the association the grant was made to. The grantor may repossess the grant, should the grantee not follow instructions.
12. The grantee must publicize any events arranged with the help of a grant in the City of Jyväskylä event and hobby calendar. yväskylän tapahtuma- ja harrastekalenteriin.
13. The City of Jyväskylä must be mentioned anywhere the event, publication or similar whenever the city is funding the activity.
Grants shall not be awarded
1. To events or projects intended to make a profit or to parties that are for-profit businesses
2. To investments or the acquisition of fixed or movable assets
3. To commercial publication activities
4. As working grants intended to subsidise the cost of living
5. For recycling as grants or stipends
6. To basic education, vocational education, or thesis projects
7. To study or leisure visits, usually also not to journeys abroad
8. To alcohol costs
9. To any foodstuff, coffee, tea, refreshments, snack, or meal costs (except youth grants)
10. To services produced by the City of Jyväskylä itself
11. To religious or political activities, although the ideological background of an applicant association will not prevent a grant
12. To any activity in conflict with the values of the City of Jyväskylä. The grant is not awarded to enable unethical or illegal activity.
-Special Planner Pirjo Piispanen, tel. 050 595 5863, pirjo.piispanen(at)