Budget 2023
Total operating expenses 2023 budget (Meur)
Loan payments 21,5 (3%)
Investments 125,9 (19%)
Interest expenses 7 (1%)
Business activities 70,1 (10%)
Education 265,4 (39%)
City administration 31,5 (5%)
Culture and sport 54,9 (8%)
Urban planning and city infrastructure 67,0 (10%)
Economic development and employment services 36,5 (5%)
Total expenses 679,7 (100%)
Total operating income 2023 budget (Meur)
Operating income 84,9 (12%)
Operating income, business activities 112,5 (16%)
Tax revenues 322,0 (46%)
State grants 59,0 (9%)
Interests income 14,3 (2%)
Changes in provisions -8,1 (-1%)
Subsidies for investments 0,8 (0%)
Fixed assets sales revenue 9,1 (2%)
Increase in receivable 0,0 (0 %)
Borrowing 85,2 (12%)
Total income 679,7 (100 %)