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Näyttely arkiston taustakuva 5

March 16 – September 3, 2018

− My work deals with identity, constructs of power and human relations in which reality and desire do not always meet. My work often includes irony, humour and cynicism, but they are also honest illustrations of my real thoughts and feelings.
Henriikka Harinen

− My photographs often deal with quite personal themes. For a long time the underlying theme has been mental health and inner struggles in my head. How do light and shadows take turns and avoid each other, how does it feel to be driven into a corner?
Svante Gullichsen

− My life has been recorded in instant messages. For the piece, I went through years of instant messages sent between my friends and me. I picked around 2000 messages, which are coded to randomly generate an endless flow of imaginary discussion.
Charlotte Forsgård

The exhibition features works by 28 artists selected through an open call that generated over 400 proposals. Spanning across range of art forms, Generation introduces diverse works that support and comment each other. The artists featured offer a fresh take on their own surroundings and social phenomena, on issues and attitudes close to their hearts.

The works ooze confidence and boldness. Topics range from everyday observations to thoughts on social injustices to aesthetic portraits of friends. The works also possess a certain sensitivity and authenticity: revealing the entire gamut of tracing one’s own life through movement, brushwork, video, textile, camera and digital drawing.

For many of the artists featured in the exhibition, Generation is a first encounter with the art world, for others further along the artistic path it has helped sharpen their thinking. To lay yourself and your work bare to an audience and to experts is a daring move, and hopefully this show of courage inspires hesitant artists and viewers to follow suit and openly engage with art.

The exhibition has been curated by Laura Köönikkä and is a collaboration with Amos Anderson Art Museum, where the Generation was on display in last summer. The next Generation will be held in the new AMOS REX in Helsinki in 2020. The open call will be issued in 2019.


Oona Autio 
Felix Bade
FKSU / Felix Bardy
Charlotte Forsgård
Alexander Ginlund
Svante Gullichsen
Anthoni Hætta
Henriikka Harinen
Anastasia Hartikainen
Heikki Heinonen
Sonja Hyytiäinen
Inka Jerkku
Emmi Kataja
KEliel / Eliel Tammiharju
Veera Krouglov
Jassir Kuronen a.k.a. RÖD MJÖLK
Alina Lampinen
Pihla Lappalainen
Pauliina Latva
Liisa Lehtimäki
Anastasia Poljatschenko
Säde Rinne
Emma Sarpaniemi
Ananya Tanttu
Tarina Tommiska
Lumi Tuomi
Jade Vesto
Sanni Weckman


KEliel on Sat, May 19 at 4.30 pm
Pauliina Latva, Does, on Fri, May 25 at 4.30 pm


VIDEO Generation (in Finnish)

TRAILER Generation (in Finnish)

Jyväskylä Art Museum