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Kaksi henkilöä punnitsee teetä kahvilassa. Image Tero Takalo-Eskola

Pay subsidy can help employers and job seekers find each other when there are challenges in employment. If you are eligible for a pay subsidy, you can mention your pay subsidy percentage when applying for a job. 

Pay subsidy can be granted if the job seeker’s professional skills are lacking. In addition, granting requires that the job seeker is under 24 years old, over 50 years old, has completed only basic education, is an immigrant or has reduced work capacity, or has not been in paid employment in the past 6 months. Pay subsidy can also be obtained based on a disability or illness that impairs work ability or for apprenticeship training. 
The pay subsidy is intended to cover the time spent on job guidance and wage costs in the initial phase of work for a fixed period. 

Ask your personal coach for more information!

Pay subsidy to support job seeking on the Job Market Finland

Good to know about the pay subsidy

•    Pay subsidy is always discretionary and based on the needs of the job seeker. 
•    You can ask your personal coach about your eligibility for pay subsidy and your pay subsidy percentage. 
•    The employer applies for the pay subsidy. 
•    The employment relationship cannot start before the pay subsidy decision. 
•    When you have a valid employment plan and it has been agreed to apply for pay subsidy jobs, you can also find the advertisements for pay subsidy jobs in E-services.