Daycare centres: early childhood and pre-primary education, ages 0-6
Daycare schools: early childhood education, pre-primary education, primary school grades 1-2 or 1-6
Primary schools: grades 1-6, ages 7-12
Comprehensive schools: grades 1-9, ages 7-16
Lower secondary schools: grades 7-9, ages 13-16
Daycare centres (name of the unit, visiting themes, max. number of visitors, guidance languages)
Fabriikki daycare centre: functional teaching, well-being, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 15 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Kuokkala daycare centre: multiculturalism, Finnish as a second language teaching, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 10 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Luhtinen daycare centre: shift care, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 12 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Mannila daycare centre: learning environments, pedagogy for the young, art education, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 8 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Norola daycare centre: pedagogy of small spaces, communality and cooperation with parents, early childhood education curriculum, max. 5 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Pohjanlampi daycare centre: inclusion, shift care, Swedish-language early childhood education and pre-primary education, new kinds of learning environments, increasing children's physical activity also indoors, utilising digitalisation in pedagogical activities, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 12 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish
Ristikivi daycare centre: positive pedagogy, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 10 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Ritoniemi daycare centre: operation of one group unit, early childhood education curriculum, max. 5 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Ritoniity's daycare centre: outdoor pedagogy, Sports and Nature activities, max. 5 persons, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish
Tapiola daycare centre: 24/7 shift care, round-the-clock early childhood education, early childhood education and pre-primary education curricula, max. 12 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Daycare schools (early childhood education/pre-primary curriculum and basic education curriculum)
Haapaniemi Daycare School: primary education grades 1-2, daycare centre cooperation, inclusion, learning environments, well-being, functional learning, phenomenon-based learning, outdoor pedagogy, sustainable development, positive pedagogy, Varga-Nemenyi method, max. 5 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Kangasvuori Daycare School: multiculturalism, Finnish as a second language teaching, shift care, emphasis on functional teaching in pre-primary education, uniform learning path from pre-primary education to primary education, preparatory education, small group -pedagogy of special needs education, max. 30 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Kortepohja Daycare School: Finnish as a second language teaching, preparatory education, bilingual education (English and Finnish), language enrichment, positive pedagogy, max. 20 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, guided tours by students in several languages
Nenäinniemi Daycare School: daycare school pedagogy, multi-grade class, small unit, guiding languages: Finnish, English, max. 10 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Russian, German
Puistokatu Daycare School: daycare school pedagogy, cooperation between pre-primary and primary education (flexible), music education and band club activities, max. 10 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Tikkala Daycare School: functional learning, phenomenon-based learning, classroom teaching, home group activities, nature pedagogy, UNESCO School: learning modules on democracy, human rights, cultural heritage and sustainable lifestyle, max. 5 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Vesanka and Kuohu Daycare Schools: environmental education: School garden as part of daycare school pedagogy, nature and sports pedagogy, daycare school pedagogy, uniform learning path from pre-primary to primary education, functional work community model, max. 10 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Basic education
Jokela Primary School: well-being, student participation (e.g. eco-agents, digital agents, well-being agents), max. 20 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish, German
Jyskä Primary School: peer support (cooperation between different ages), well-being, integration, participation, max. 12 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Keljonkangas Comprehensive School (Aapistie/Sohlbergin katu): co-teaching, space solutions for the new school, operation of a small school/unit (”island schools”), max. 30 persons depending on the size of the unit visited, guidance in English, Swedish, German, Spanish
Keltinmäki Primary School: special education inclusion, wellbeing, sports pedagogy, co-teaching, max. 12 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish, German
Keski-Palokka Primary School: inclusion, functional learning, sports pedagogy, max. 50 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish, Russian (in 2024-2025)
Kukkula Hospital School: hospital education, pupils with mental symptoms, pedagogical rehabilitation, multidisciplinary work, max 10 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Kuokkala Comprehensive School: inclusion, preparatory education, Finnish as a second language, language enrichment, learning environments, well-being, max. 50 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, in other several languages by student guides (31 different mother tongues at school), visits can be agreed on a case-by-case basis at any time of the year.
Kuokkala Swedish School: Swedish-language teaching in Finnish-speaking Jyväskylä, integration of teaching in Finnish-speaking groups, co-teaching, language-aware teaching, guidance in Swedish, Finnish, English, Spanish, French
Kypärämäki Primary School: disability education-general education cooperation, music classes/education, communal operating culture, max. 20 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish, Spanish (until the end of October 2024)
Mankola Comprehensive School: greenhouse and related teaching, entrepreneurship education, max. 30 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, student guidance in Spanish, German, partly French
Puuppola Primary School: Green Flag School, sustainable development, environmental education and pupil participation, max. 12 persons, guidance in Finnish, English
Tikka Primary School: university cooperation (in music, special education and physical education), positive pedagogy, small group -pedagogy of special needs education, sustainable development, phenomenon-based learning, guidance in Finnish, English, Russian, German
Vaajakumpu Comprehensive School: well-being, sustainable development, positive pedagogy, international guests, facilities for autism education, max. 20 persons, guidance in Finnish, English, Swedish, German