Education for foreigners in basic education
Basic education (comprehensive school) is free of charge all-round education. Every child residing permanently in Finland is obliged to attend comprehensive school. Comprehensive school takes nine years and is intended for children/teenagers from 7 to 16 years of age. This also applies to immigrant children/teenagers residing permanently in Finland.
New students
Age group 9 months-6 years, pre school (6-7) and Basic education 7-16
contact Service Manager Pia Bärlund, tel. 040 545 5257
email. pia.barlund(at)
Secondary high school and vocational school Ohjaamo.
Preparatory teaching for comprehensive school
Foreign students are provided with preparatory teaching for basic education. The preparatory teaching is attended by all foreign students.
Usually, a student attends preparatory teaching for one school year and then starts at the school of his or her residential area. Preparatory teaching for basic education is provided annually at various times by different schools.
Native language teaching
A student who speaks another language than Finnish as a native language, or has native-level skills in the language, may attend native language teaching for two hours a week. The teaching is free of charge and is provided after the school day. The teaching is provided at many different schools, and the group may have students from various age groups and schools.
Registering for native language teaching can be done by printing and filling this form. The form can be left at school in question or posted to: Jyväskylän kaupunki, Perusopetuspalvelut, Pia Bärlund, Kilpisenkatu 1/PL 341, 40101 Jyväskylä.
Registrations can also be sent to pia.barlund[at] When enrolling via email, mention the language you are enrolling for, student´s name, name of the school and the class the student attends, date of birth and contact information of parent/guardian.
More information to new students
Service Manager Pia Bärlund, tel. 040 545 5257
email. pia.barlund(at)