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Istutuksia ja penkki pihakadulta. Image Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen

General planning of green areas

General plans shall be drawn up alongside the local detailed plans, which cover not only green areas but also, for example, communications and rainwater management solutions. A general plan clarifies the green area reservations in the local detailed plans, their use, the level of building, care and maintenance, the necessary investments as well as the implementation, care and management responsibilities. General planning examines and gathers initial data and pays attention, inter alia, to nature surveys, land use plans, historical background information of the specific area in question and topographic conditions.

Building planning and construction of green areas

After a general plan for a park or a green area has been drawn up, the next stage will be building planning. Building planning is proceeding according to the completed general plan, but at a more detailed level. During this building planning stage, play equipment and the materials to be used are chosen, among other things, and plantings are specified.

Parks and green areas of the city, either new ones or the ones to be renovated, are defined annually in the Investment Programme of the Municipal Engineering Services (Kunnallistekniikan investointiohjelma). The defined objects (parks and green areas) are proceeded into the Investment Programme from the Green Area Service Programme (Viherpalveluohjelma), which considers green services at the whole city level and introduces the development goals of these services for ten years at a time. The aim is to develop green services evenly within the whole urban area.

landscape planning
city planning